It certainly has been a wild ride! We are still holding on fast, and it has been the ride of our lives...Not unlike that first amazing uphill ride on your first roller coaster, you trust you're seat belt will hold you in and the bar across your lap will not give way as you rise to the top and start crashing down the other side!!! Well on this roller coaster ride of life...God has held us fast in our seats. His unfailing love has secured us...and it is truly an amazing feeling to know that really IS the truth as we ride this ride!!!
Bobby's chemo & radiation have been uneventful thus far! He is tolerating the treatments well, though he hates the way the drugs make him feel. Yet knowing those same drugs are working for His good kinda keeps things in perspective....So we have a week down...and 5 weeks to go for radiation....We have heard many good reports as of late that many people have walked the path we are on...and are still here to tell about it years later...that is comforting & encouraging.
So this will be our last blog!!! We couldn't possibly begin to put into words what your love has meant to us as we truly couldn't have walked this without all of you! We will for many years to come, did I say many years to come (?) YES...for many years to come be grateful and will never forget all you have done for Bobby & I & our family!!! If you would like to talk call us 301-262-0228, or write us at We would love to hear from you!
Keep praying, Keep the Faith, and know that there is a God...and He loves you very much!!!
And so do we....
Bobby, Elaine, Melissa, Justin, Rachel, Layla & John
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
And so we Begin
Last Monday Bobby went to be fitted for his radiation mask...He sort of looked like a Blue Spiderman SuperHero...(too bad they didn't offer a cape also) and he did very well during the fitting. We know it was all the prayer coverage, because if it had been me having to do the fitting..there would have definitely needed to be drugs involved!!! We are now set up for our first Radiation treatment tomorrow. At 1:00 he will take an anti-nausea medicine, at 2:00 he will take his first chemo pill (praise God for insurance!!! the medicine was $7,000 and our co-pay was $75.00) We are very grateful to have this coverage and provision and realize that is not always the case for some and that is very heartbreaking. We are praying for a good tolerance for all the new meds & a good reaction to the radiation....Please join us in covering him every day during the next 6 weeks of treatment, as the Lord lays it upon your hearts and minds!!!
Now the really exciting news!!!! Yesterday we had some of Bobby's oldest & dearest friends (from Jr. High School) come and visit...but not only did they come to visit, bring fabulous food, but brought a most awesome surprise!!! If anyone has spent any time with Bobby you will know that he absolutely loves the Christian guitarist/singer/songwriter Phil Keaggy...known by many as one of the most fantastic gifted artist's alive!!! We have probably been to over 30 concerts over the years and have been so blessed to just witness so talented a human being, but most of all one who uses this gift for the love and glory of Jesus......Well to make a long story even longer...Brian & Bettie somehow managed to connect with Phil Keaggy...(God ordained) and arranged to have Phil Keaggy call our home Bobby (ok we confess we're groupies)was absolutely blown away to speak to Phil Keaggy personally, but most of all they prayed together & for each cool is that!!! Now if that isn't like our God to just delight our hearts in that way...As George Anderson would say..."if that doesn't light your fire...then your woods wet!!!"
What a sweet kiss from heaven above...and what a wonderful brother in Christ...Mr. Keaggy, you are to show your love to a perfect stranger...Now isn't that just like Jesus!!!!!
Thank you again for so many words of encouragement through your cards & calls & invitations to dinner in your homes...We are so very blessed!!!!
Much Love...In His Precious Grace,
Bobby & Elaine Snow
Now the really exciting news!!!! Yesterday we had some of Bobby's oldest & dearest friends (from Jr. High School) come and visit...but not only did they come to visit, bring fabulous food, but brought a most awesome surprise!!! If anyone has spent any time with Bobby you will know that he absolutely loves the Christian guitarist/singer/songwriter Phil Keaggy...known by many as one of the most fantastic gifted artist's alive!!! We have probably been to over 30 concerts over the years and have been so blessed to just witness so talented a human being, but most of all one who uses this gift for the love and glory of Jesus......Well to make a long story even longer...Brian & Bettie somehow managed to connect with Phil Keaggy...(God ordained) and arranged to have Phil Keaggy call our home Bobby (ok we confess we're groupies)was absolutely blown away to speak to Phil Keaggy personally, but most of all they prayed together & for each cool is that!!! Now if that isn't like our God to just delight our hearts in that way...As George Anderson would say..."if that doesn't light your fire...then your woods wet!!!"
What a sweet kiss from heaven above...and what a wonderful brother in Christ...Mr. Keaggy, you are to show your love to a perfect stranger...Now isn't that just like Jesus!!!!!
Thank you again for so many words of encouragement through your cards & calls & invitations to dinner in your homes...We are so very blessed!!!!
Much Love...In His Precious Grace,
Bobby & Elaine Snow
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Is it Brad Pitt???

Wow! He's cute with & without hair!!!! We had a family party and a ceremonial unveiling of Bobby Snow without hair~as he allowed our daughter-n-law to do the cutting (now that's family love)!! Melissa did the photo shoot and Justin, Layla, John & I were the cheerleaders. Brad Pitt look out!
Tomorrow we go for our fitting at the radiation oncologist for his mask. This will protect other parts of his brain while they zap the remainder of any of those bad cells that may still be hanging out in his noggin...Please pray for peace and continued trust that God has us covered and in the palm of His hand.
"And we know all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose". (Romans 8:28)!!
As we rest in His perfect plan we covet your prayers that strengthen and lift us into the presence of the King of Kings!!!
PS: Bobby Snow says Good Lord willing he's planning to go to Smith Mtn. Lake this summer and trick ski backwards/forwards and board with all our friends and family...we'll see you there!!!
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